zsCompare allows you to manually or automatically compare and synchronize Windows or Mac OS X files, folders, zip files, and jar files between local directories or networked computers.
You can also compare the contents of text files line by line, and then merge the files to include only the changes you want. You can also compare text that has been input either by typing it in, or by copying from non-text files such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PDF files. Finally, zsCompare includes the functionality found in zsDuplicateHunter for free. This functionality allows you to find and remove duplicate files from your computer which saves hard drive space and makes common operations like searches and backups faster.
The key features of zsCompare are described below. For a complete list of features, please visit our website.
Key Folder Comparison Features: Compare and synchronize two folders; Compare and synchronize zip files as if they were part of the regular file system; Create, update, and delete zip and jar files; Save and reload commonly used comparisons for easy reuse; Fine tune the comparison being performed by setting the options used during comparison; Filter the files and/or folders being compared so only essential files are compared; Compare text from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe PDFs
Key File Comparison Features: Side by side comparison of text files; Synchronize entire files, sections of files, or individual lines in either direction; Ignore changes in case and whitespace; Results are color coded and the colors can be customized; Easily compare sections of a file that have been moved using freeform text comparison.
Key Duplicate File Finder Features: Find files in a single folder, multiple folders, an entire computer, or multiple computers; Seven different methods of deleting files; Filter files and folders by name to speed up the search and ignore unimportant files; Group files by name size, and/or crc.